Hugh Simon Clituris, you watched that sketch ... I assume you were disappointed?
Stephen Well frankly, I thought it was predictable.
Hugh You predicted it, did you?
Stephen Absolutely, and I think that's why it was predictable. Their choice of targets was predictable ...
Hugh Estate agents ...
Stephen Where?
Hugh The target of that last sketch was estate agents.
Stephen I didn't notice that.
Hugh And of course their choice of language was predictable ...
Stephen Precisely. English was a sadly predictable language for them to have chosen.
Hugh Which is a shame.
Stephen A great shame. If you don't speak it.
Hugh A bigger shame if you do.
Stephen Hahaha.
Hugh Hahahaha.
Stephen But I suppose one could have predicted it.
Hugh I suppose so. Can you predict what their next sketch will be?
Stephen Oh lord, yes. A parody of "Treasure Island". Bound to be.
Cut to something that is as far from being a parody of Treasure Island as is emotionally possible.Vox Pop
Hugh I can remember exactly what I was doing when I heard the news. I was listening to the news.